Monday, October 15, 2007

Lewis Carroll - Man or Monster?

We are winding down on the AAIW unit in ths class. All of you have shown some remarkable improvement with not only your writing, but also your ability to question, infer, and analyze. For the last assignment regarding AAIW we look to the author.

Some would say Carroll is a rather sordid man, but the evidence appears somewhat shaky. You will research Carroll and discover at least three things that are common in most of his biographies. You will need to look at multiple websites to discover these commonalities.

I have posted several links in the links section. Your post needs have the following:

  1. 700+ words
  2. A picture that depicts Carrol or something related to him. Nothing from AAIW is allowed.
  3. Three things that describe Carroll
  4. Summary of your opinion of Carroll based on facts you have read.
  5. Citations of sources at the bottom of your post.
This assignment is worth 100 points. I will grade as follows:

40 pts. - content
30 pts. - grammar and spelling
30 pts. - comments to other posts

Comments will be evaluated upon the following:
  1. Quality- Does the comment require a response?
  2. Depth - Does the comment actually say or ask something?
  3. Response - Do you respond to comments made to your comments or posts?
I am really looking for more discussion through the comments for this assignment. One sentence comments like "Your reasoning sounds good to me" are not the sort of comments I want to see or will consider for your grade.

You have two days to complete this assignment so get cracking!


<><><><> said...

um wears the links?

Plowboys said...

thank you for putting the links up