I've been a lurker on your blog for some time, and first of all, I want to thank you. I love reading your writing, and I love viewing your podcasts. The blog and you, as a class and as writers, are amazing. I've even shown my own university classes your blog, and they are amazed at the work that you do. I created a link below to a page that includes much information and rationale for using New Literacies, such as blogs and podcasts, in classrooms. Here's a sampling of info:
- Over 80 percent of kindergarteners use computers, and over 50 percent of children under age 9 use the Internet.
- At least 61 virtual colleges/universities (VCUs) currently educate students in the U.S.
- In 2006, 158.6 billion text messages were sent in the U. S.
- Over 106 million individuals are registered on MySpace.
- There are at least 91 million Google searches per day.
- The European Institute for E-Learning aims to enhance Europe’s position in the knowledge economy by achieving the goal “e-Portfolio for all” by 2010.
Mr. Neuburger is absolutely preparing you for the future. The person who responded only discusses sentence-level concerns and grammar. As a researcher of writing and reading, and as a professor, I know, and my colleagues do to, that there is much more to communication and writing instruction than a few typos. Composition researchers look at higher order concerns like ideas and even student motivation to write. As many of you have suggested, your writing and your interest has improved. People who write on blogs increase their fluency (# of words they can generate). If you return to your blog posts, I'm sure you will see the same thing. I'm also sure that you've learned a lot about yourselves as writers through writing and through reading the writing of others.
To be prepared for the future, you need to know multimodal literacies. That includes being able to create media, which is what you do almost weekly in your podcasts. Podcasts and blogs are some of the ultimate communication tools. You don't just READ media. You CREATE it. I only wish I were lucky enough to have an English teacher like Mr. N.
Research supports the use of blogs and podcasts as part of an English class. Recently, a researcher named Applebee (2007) found that in 40% of twelfth grade classrooms students write less than three pages A YEAR. Can you believe that? You've accomplished so much more.
I'm sure your parents have told you this. There will be many people in this world who will try to bring you down in some way. This person attacked your writing, but I want you to know there are many more people in this world who respect Mr. Neuburger's work and your writing. Keep writing everyday! This reader loves it!