Friday, October 5, 2007
Thursday, October 4, 2007
The lobster quadrille is a dance. You first get into a line along the sea-shore. Then someone has to move twice, set partners and change lobsters and then retire in the same order. You then have to throw the lobster out into the sea and then go swim after them. There are two lines in the lobster quadrille dance. Each line consists of seals, turtles and salmon. The Mock Turtle is crying because he is upset that he can’t understand the meaning of what Alice recites. He says she should stop reciting if she can not explain the meaning as she recites. The Mock-Turtle and the Gryphon are singing to Alice because she is confused about the dance.
The Lobster Quadrille was dance taught under the ocean where the griffin and the mock turtle went to school. In my opinion the lobster quadrille was a symbol of the way some people believe the school systems have went. It was a sign of pointless activitys some believe get taught, now in my own safety seen as how the “powers at be” read over the posts we make this is not necessarily my beliefs.
The reason
Now the reason the turtle and the gryphon were fighting over something as miniscule and pointless as a dance was symbolism of the ignorant and pointless things that we as people sometimes fight over. Ignorance powers greed and the need to be right, which was obviously the case between these to, there ignorance drove them to being determined to be right.
And the reason that
A lobster-quadrille is a form of dance done by the creatures of the sea. It involves throwing lobsters into the sea and going after them and doing all sorts of movements by the sea shore. There are two lines formed during the process of the lobster-quadrille. The Mock Turtle seems to cry a lot. It said in the last chapter, The Mock Turtle's Story, the Mock Turtle says that he is crying because of uglification. The "first figure" is the name of the first part of the dance known in Wonderland as the lobster-quadrille. There must be an array of parts in the dance. Alice does not finish the sentence when she says, "I've often seen them at dinn--", because she probably did not want to offend the gryphon and the Mock Turtle by saying that she eats lobsters. Seeing as how everyone is mad in Wonderland, it might be a good thing that Alice is beginning to watch what she says. The creatures and peoples of Wonderland are very unpredictable.
The lobster-quadrille is a dance that you form two lines along the sea shore and each person has a lobster as there partner, but first you have to clear all of the jelly-fish out of the way. In the lobster-quadrille there are two lines formed. Alice stopped in the middle of her sentence when she said “I’ve often seen them at dinn----,” because she was getting ready to say dinner when she realized she was talking to animals which they might take it offensively. The use of repeating all the words is part of the song. The mock turtle is crying because he lost something.
Lobster-Quadrille is a dance involving lobsters. You form two lines mixed with many animals. During this dance they sing to help them. The reason Mock Turtle and Gryphon were arguing because they were adding parts to each other story trying to correct them. Cause the song was bringing back memories.
The lobster quadrille is a dance that the Mock Turtle and the Griffin do. Alice is asked if she had ever met a lobster and saying no( while actually eating one before) the Mock Turtle and the Griffin decide to show Alice the dance. When does Alice say " I've often seen them a dinn---". The reason they are singing is so they can dance to the words like they're supposed to. The first figure means that its the first part of the dance.
The lobster quadrille is a dance. You first get into a line along the sea-shore. Then someone has to move twice, set partners and change lobsters and then retire in the same order. You then have to throw the lobster out into the sea and then go swim after them. There are two lines in the lobster quadrille dance. Each line consists of seals, turtles and salmon. The Mock Turtle is crying because he is upset that he can’t understand the meaning of what Alice recites. He says she should stop reciting if she can not explain the meaning as she recites. The Mock-Turtle and the Gryphon are singing to Alice because she is confused about the dance.
A Lobster-Quadrille is a dance. The dance is preformed in two lines along side the sea shore, after all of the jelly-fish have been removed from the dance area. The reason that the gryphon and the mock turtle are arguing over a dance is because they both think that they are right so they fight and fight and fight and accomplish NOTHING. The reason that they are singing is because they are demonstrating the Lobster-Quadrille to Alice and it must be accompanied by song. Alice does not finish the sentance when she says, "I've often seen them at dinn ----"? because she is talking about lobsters in front of other live lobsters.
What the Heck is a Lobster-Quadrille?
Your posts are getting better by the day. For the most part anyway. Keep up your effort.
Today I want you to post your five responses to your choice of five questions.
- What is a lobster-quadrille?
- What does, "I must sugar in my hair" mean?
- How many lines are formed in the lobster-quadrille?
- Why is the Mock Turtle crying?
- Why are they singing?
- What does the "first figure" mean?
- Who do whitings make shoes under the sea for and why?
- Why is Alice having so much trouble remembering things?
- What is the use of repeating all the words?
- Why does the Mock Turtle think soup is beautiful?
- Why are the Mock Turtle and the Gryphon arguing over a dance?
- Why does Alice not finish the sentence when she says, "I've often seen them at dinn ----"?
Do you remember the three R'? Reading, Riting, and Rithmetic? The Mock Turtle describes them as Reeling, Writhing, and Arithmetic. Then he goes on to describe the four branches of Arithmetic as Ambition, Distraction, Uglification, and Derision. Could those be metaphors for Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, and Division?
What do you think?
Wednesday, October 3, 2007
Alright, first of all the reason
The sentence “take care of the sense, and the sounds will take care of themselves” comes down to the rationalization that if you eliminate the realization of a problem, the problem will fix itself. This rationalization (however flawed it may or may not be) is a core instinctual thought to people under many circumstances.
The purpose of Alice mentioning the mustard mine was nothing more than a test to the duchesses true loyalty to Alice, or if the duchess was just a “yes-man”.
No the duchess is not a friend of
Now back to the same basis as my first answer, the sentence “birds of a feather flock together” is another symbol of human psyche. Those who are the same will follow those who are also the same. Any one who can deny that this is a basis of human instinct needs only to look at high school cliques and music genres to prove themselves wrong.
There are a few questions from the book Alice's Adventures in Wonderland that need answering. First, a mock turtle is an article of clothing that looked like what we call "turtle necks" yet it did not fold over on the collar. In the story, a mock turtle is what is used to make mock turtle soup. A gryphon is a mythical creature with the body of a lion and the wings and head of an eagle. It was believed to have been a divine creature with magical powers. Alice was holding a flamingo because flamingos were used as croquet mallets. Wonderland is full of madness and croquet is played just a little bit different than in our world. The gryphon went to the Classical master. He was a crab, so it would seem that the gryphon went to school underwater. It does not sound possible, but it is Wonderland. It seems that anything is possible there. Wonderland has the attributes of being an opposite world compared to ours and we all seem to spend all our time trying to beautify ourselves. In Wonderland, the peoples and creatures may strive to uglify themselves in order to be more popular or accepted. It would be a wonderful world to live in would it not?
the griffin is a rare mythological creature with the body of an lion and the wings and mask of an eagle. it was said to be an embodiment of light and carried the charateristics of both an eagle and a lion. it was said to be very ferocious an was used as the herald for many medieval crests. It was also a symbol for Christ, having two natures, both earthly and divine. for more info, heres my link
A mock turtle is a fictional character that Lewis Carroll made up.The pictures show a mock turtle as a mix between a turtle and a cow,the mock turtle is also a form of a turtle neck shirt.Alice was holding a flamingo because she is playing croquet and she is using the flamingo for the croquet mallet. By " birds of feather flock together," i think that they are trying to say people who have the same opinion or agree with one another stay together just like birds of feather.someone would like to learn uglification so they can disfigure things or make them ugly.a gryphon is an ancient creature with a head, talons, and wings of an eagle and the body style of a lion. the gryphon comes from legendary stories.
Monday, October 1, 2007
The Mock Turtle is a very melancholy character, it is thought because he used to be a real turtle. He tells Alice his history of going to school in the sea, but cannot understand the school system that Alice describes to him- least of all the poetry she recites. Ironically, she cannot understand it either. Alice was holding a flamingo because she was playing croquet with the flamingo. (She used the flamingo as a croquet mallet.) A mustard-mine is a mine that produces mustard which is a vegetable. (chapter 9) Birds of a Feather flock together means that people of the same clique or group stay together. People should learn uglification because they should know what ugly is and how to deal with uglification.
The reason Alice is holding flamingo because it is her croquet mallet. The croquet game is a rather confusing game. They play without any order and the balls are live animals. It is just chaos. The reason someone would want to learn uglification is so they can uglify themselves or others. So they take the class. Well there isn't really a mustard mine. The duchess just keeps agreeing with Alice. Alice believes that pepper makes people hot tempered. i don't really know why she believes that it makes people hot tempered. Possibly it just makes them irritable. I don't really think that the duchess is Alice's friend in the sense that the Duchess just doesn't really seem to think for herself. All she did was agree with Alice and tell her the "morals" of what she said even though there weren't really any morals in anything that Alice said.
In response to the questions posted in the post "As Pigs Have to Fly". A mock turtle is what the people in wonderland make mock turtle soup out of. The reason that i believe Alice is holding onto the Flamingo is because she thinks that it is a beautiful bird and wishes to protect it from any harm. A gryphon is a mythical creature that comes from the imagination of all the people who believe that they have experienced its charm. The substance that Alice thinks makes people hot tempered is pepper because it makes people constantly sneeze and puff up their eyes and make there nose run so it puts them into a horrible mood. The reason that there is a mustard mine is because the wonderful citizens of wonderland must have mustard so they must get the mustard from someplace so they mine it.
As Pigs Have to Fly
I am going to start grading your posts more rigidly. I expect you to be more thorough with your response to questions. If you write a single sentence for each response to a question, I will be taking away points. You all told me your responses would be better if we took the book one chapter at a time, so it's time to prove it. I want you to have a topic sentence for each paragraph you write. Of course, grammar and spelling should be perfect. Here is your list of questions:
- Why would Alice say, "I have a right to think?"
- What is a mock turtle?
- What does the"Take care of the sense, and the sounds will take care of themselves" mean?
- What is a gryphon and where does it come from? You may need to research this question.
- Why was Alice holding a flamingo?
- What does Alice think makes people hot tempered? Why?
- Why is there a mustard mine.
- Is the Duchess Alice's friend?
- Why does the Queen always yell, "Off with their head" if she never executes anyone? Why would anyone be afraid of her.
- What does "Birds of a feather flock together, mean?
- Was the gryphon in school with the mock turtle underwater? How could that happen?
- How do the constant stream of morals the Duchess cites fit into the story?
- Why would someone want to learn Uglification?
- Why is the Mock Turtle crying? What is the source of his sorrow?