Friday, December 21, 2007
Thursday, December 20, 2007

There are a few things that i learned this semester in applied communications.not many but i did learn how to do many more things on the computer.for one thing i learned how to do a podcast,then learned how to cast a video pod cast. we also got to learn how to associate with other people over the internet.i realized the things that we learned in this class are going to be very helpful later on in the future in our careers.I truly believe that my writing has improved but only when o need it to. Otherwise i free write sloppily.I really enjoyed learning about the podcasts this semester. I know they will help me later in life but also now they are fun to put my own music on and share with people.well Mr.N..honestly it's easier for me to say what i did like than didn't like but i know we learned it all for a good reason. whatever projects you want to come up with is fun enough and especially educational enough for me dude.Peace
First Semester Final

This last semester I have learned how to create both audio and video pod-casts and to use Garage Band to edit and create the audio pod-casts and used iMovie to create our video pod-cast. I think that throughout the semester my writing has improved slightly, mostly because I am getting back into the concept of writing using “proper” english instead of writing how I speak. The projects that I have had the most fun with is the audio pod-casts, it takes work and time but at least they’re fun to do and we learn a lot about improving our communication skills. What I have disliked the most this semester is reading Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, it really is a lame book. Some projects that we can have fun doing and learn at the same time is the pod-casts, both video and audio, it took some imagination and some thinking to come up with the ideas and work from the ideas to a script on to the actual production.

Why I'm Afraid of Being Naughty.^
Lets start with the main topic, what i learned these past few months. I learned about Charles Dodgson and all about his hit book "Alice in Wonderland" but mostly i learned how to create a blog, publish things on a blog and create an audio podcast. unfortunately i'm not sure on how to create a vidoe podcast, but i think that i have the general idea. i don't think that my writing skills improved much this semester, but at the same time it was beneficial for me to write so that my writing skills didn't get rusty. I've enjoyed pretty much everything this semester, but mostly learning how to do the whole blogging thing. What i didn't enjoy, was the in depth analysis of all the chapters in AAIW. Though reading and discussing it were alright. And I do understand the reason for the chapter reviews (so that we'd have some content to post), but i still don't like it. Maybe something a tad bit more mature for your next senior AC class? Maybe some news reports for the video podcasts would be fun and educational, especially if the reporters could be made of!
Just to let everyone know, this is my last post so Vale, Salut, Hasta Luego, and most importantly GOOD-BYE!!!

This past semester I have learned that a lot of people do not enjoy reading Alice's Adventures in Wonderland. Although I in fact love the whole idea of it. I have learned how to make a podcast, which is the coolest thing that I have ever learned in school. Podcasting is something I have learned, actually enjoyed, and plan to do outside of school. As with all other English classes that I have taken, my writing has improved somewhat. There really was not a whole pile of writing to do but I still feel that I learned at least one thing along the way that would ultimately improve my writing. My favorite thing we did this semester was podcasting. I actually got to play music at school with Joe and we rocked the socks off of some people. Especially those people who may have thought we were kidding about our music. The thing I did not enjoy was Mr. N being angry when Chance messed with the singing snow-thing in the back of the room. The whole ordeal was quite scary. Any podcasting projects would be fun and educational. As far as I know, I am not the only one who enjoyed the podcasting. Everyone seemed to like it even more as Mr. N gave more and more leeway for us to choose the content and really get into the podcasts with our own creativity. It has been a very good semester as far as learning about technology. I have learned some stuff and I had a fun time doing it.
Well lets see I have learned that Alices Adventures In Wonderland was not a very god book! Sorry but I would rather watch the movie! I have also learned a lot of stuff to do with computers.
I really dont think that my writing has changed that much, it may have gotten worse but it has not gotten better.
This semester I have really enjoyed the podcasts that we have been doing, it may not seem like it but actually have, I really can't wait to finish our video podcast and post it thats really going to be fun! I really didnt enjoy the Alice in Wonderland posting and reading! I would rather not do any of that and just do podcasting!
I really wouldnt know of any other projects that are educational, maybe just the fun ones! I really liked a couple of those videos on the website we had looked at the other day, maybe we could do some kinda like those.

This past semester I learned about Lewis Carroll, mainly his childhood. I also learned how to upload pod cast and videos using the Mac laptops. I think for the most part my writing has stayed the same. If anything it improved a little, not by much though. The thing I enjoyed the most would have to be the audio pod cast. At first I really hated it but the more we messed around with it the more I got into it. I know that almost everyone if not everyone will say that they hated reading Alice in Wonderland and writing responses to it. Well guess what, I am going to have to agree with them. It just seemed like it took for ever to get through the book. Well I think that you can make the video pod cast both fun and educational. Well I hope that everyone has a nice Christmas. Oh yeah by the way I hate to break it to you but I wont be in your class next semester.
semester final

What i have learned this semester is how to write just a little bit better. Also i have learned how to put podcastes up on the internet. Although i still ain't a very good writer still fell like i have improved. Eventhough i think it all was an exsperience i think the funnest thing was making the voice podcast. I think probaly one of the things that i did not like is the time limit that we had, for i don't know much about computers so it takes me a while to figure something out. One of the things i think would be fun to do is make a song out of a bunch of other songs and post it.

The main thing i've learned this past semester is computer skills. I really have learned how to do things that most likely would have never been able to do before this class. I always thought of myself as a good writer so i don't really think that i improved a whole lot there But i do believe that i have improved some. What i have really enjoyed throughout the semester is learning to and using the macs. They are rather fun and am glad that we have used these during our blogging and whatever else we have done with them. What i disliked most was receiving zeros for not turning in questions when we were reading alice in wonderland because according to you if i wrote a response to the chapter it ws fine. Which i did up until i got so far ahead of the class that i didn't know what chapter i was supposed to write about. Well while i can't think of any projects off the top of my head as long as they include using the macs i will be fine with whatever

I have learned that it is hard to be creative sometimes. That and it is very hard not to be reading a studder while reading. My writing has improved a little not that much but some. I have enjoyed making fun of my friends while reading the script and hearing their mistakes. I don't care for a lot of things but this was ok for the most part. I hated how their is a time limit.
Have a checkers and chessed tounment when people are done with their project.

What I have learned the most would be how to use the mac computers. Also how to put up blogs and podcast on the computer. I think my writing has improved a lot this semester. when we were bloging, I think that really helped me. The things I enjoyed the most this semester was bloging and trying to make a video podcast this week. My groug didnt do a video podcast yet but i think if we did do one it would have be really fun (lol). The things I hated doing was the voice podcast, oh man they drove me nuts, but hey we did it and they were good. Aleast we did them right, also I didnt like reading that book "Alice in Wonderland" I think thats the most boring book ever or mad I just hate it because I've heard it so many times. I think we need to make a video podcast that everyone is in, kind of what the seniors did last year but different. Maybe like a music video or something. It could be educational and really fun.
1st Semester Final

The main thing I have learned this semester is to read what I write because when other people read my writing I would like them to be able to understand what I am writing about. The other thing I have leaned is how to post on a computer through a blog or a pod cast. Throughout all of the assignment the one I have enjoyed the most is making a movie with grant together we work really well and come up with some really good ideas, no matter what we do we can always com up with something interesting. The thing that I disliked the most was writing post to the book Alice in Wonderland mainly because
It was so inconsistent it did not make any sense to me maybe because I don’t have a very high reading level or maybe because I have no interest about it. Furthermore, I didn’t really try because I hated reading that book.
I think if we continue to do video pod cast with different thymes like information videos maybe like a news show or something like that were we could learn and have fun people would put more effort out and will like to do it. Pretty much if we keep on the some track that were on I think everyone will be happy and continue to work there hardest.
It was so inconsistent it did not make any sense to me maybe because I don’t have a very high reading level or maybe because I have no interest about it. Furthermore, I didn’t really try because I hated reading that book.
I think if we continue to do video pod cast with different thymes like information videos maybe like a news show or something like that were we could learn and have fun people would put more effort out and will like to do it. Pretty much if we keep on the some track that were on I think everyone will be happy and continue to work there hardest.

A Midterm Test in this Class?

Yes, there really is a midterm for the ol' Applied Communications class. There are several specific items I want you to address today. And, I want you to do them in the order I have them assigned. I promise this will not hurt or cause you to sweat. Here we go. Do the following.
- Access "Edit Posts" through the "New Post" option.
- Look at every post you and your team have posted. Start at the beginning. You have 10 minutes to do this.
- As you look at your posts, reflect on what you were doing and what you learned.
- Create a New Post.
- Spend the remaining class period responding to the following prompts:
- What have I learned this past semester?
- Has my writing improved as the semester progressed?
- The things I have enjoyed doing this semester are:
- The things I have not enjoyed doing are: (Ben, I already know you think reading AAIW was a waste of time. :)
- What type of projects can we do that are both fun and educational?
- Add a Christmas photo and post
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
Monday, December 17, 2007
Coach Stokes Interview
nterviewer- Coach!!! Coach Stokes!!! Can I get an interview with you about tonight’s game please?
stokes- sure honey just let me get into the locker room
Interviewer- Okay, do I need to come in there too?
stokes- oh yeah sure come on in
Interviewer- Okay, are you sure it’s A-OK? That Eaton boy isn’t changing is he?
stokes- oh no they’re all done already
Interviewer- Good, he usually hits on me! Anyway, what was it that helped you through tonight’s game?
stokes- well we did alot of stuff good, we played good offence, played good defence, held onto the ball good and stole it when it wasn’t ours we just ran the floor good and rebounded awesome, it really helps havin ethan, he can get in under the goal and just put it back up in the basket and give us some more points.
Interviewer- What did you think when you seen Moots going up for that great dunk?
stokes- yeah that was just an awesome play it really demorilized the opponent and gave us a great edge on the other guys he really helped us alot
Interviewer- How many points did the leading scorer have and who was it?
stokes- well i think that ethan had about 22 points and the rest just filled in behind him, it really was a team effort tonight
Interviewer- What about those two senior boys yelling on the front row? Do they have an impact on the team?
stokes- oh yeah they are a great help they really get the crowd going.
Interviewer- Well coach, thank you so very much for the interview, i never thought I would get one out of you!!
stokes- well you finaly caught me in a good mood!! i hope you can get some use out of it and thanks for the suport
Interviewer- This has been Alexus Plastic of ESPN live from Miller High School in Miller, Missouri. Stay tuned to see Mizzou kick Arkansas assets all over the place.
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