. I think that the cards were painting the roses b/c the planted the wrong color and since the queen they wanted the roses to be perfect so that they wouldn’t be decapitated. Alice played croquet with the chance of being beheaded b/c if she didn’t play there would still be a chance of being beheaded. I think that the Queen is mean b/c she’s the queen. She is the ruler of the deck of cards. I don’t know why she wants to decapitate everyone though. I think the Cheshire cat is portrayed in a disappearing fashion on the cover of the book b/c that’s his trademark, appearing and disappearing. I also think that the Cheshire cat is a friend of Alice’s or at least she thinks that it’s her friend. this is the link for my pics. http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.carmelart.org/artists_pages/holt/queen_of_hearts.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.carmelart.org/artists_pages/holt/holt.html&h=303&w=250&sz=27&hl=en&start=12&tbnid=LZYtaZl0S-vTYM:&tbnh=116&tbnw=96&prev=/images%3Fq%3DQueen%2Bof%2BHearts%26gbv%3D2%26svnum%3D10%26hl%3Den
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That is a sweet picture. Your ideas are very intreging.
I think you did a very good job on your post. I think you understand what is going on and you answered the questions well.
The queen is mean because she's the queen? I'm not sure that reasoning holds ground. Could she not be mean because she is the queen? Are all queens mean because they are queens?
If I should ever come near a queen, I better steer clear because she would be mean to me? Have I made my point? :) I would like to see you fix your grammatical stuff especially the first couple of sentences.
I know I live in a world of texting and instant messageing, but the posting should be in the "mean queen's" English. I don't mind the lingo in the comments section, but in the post, remember to practice proper grammatical sentence structure.
Again, I would like to say I am glad you are here.
I agree with jiffeepop. I mean how do you know that all Queens are mean??
while i didnt mean that all queens are mean this queen is mean b/c she is in control. If she wasnt the queen do you think that ahe would be able to execute anyone who didn't do what she liked?
I knew what you meant. I was just having some fun. :)
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