Monday, October 1, 2007

In Chapter ten of Alice In wonderland She is holding a flamingo the reason she is holding the bird is because it was her croquet mallet. "Birds of a feather flock together" means that People are attracted to others who are like themselves, and it's the same thing with birds. The Dutchess is not really a friend or foe she is more of a mentor. A mock turtle is a turtle but really is not because it a "mock" turtle so kind of half a turtle. The reason the dutchess is preaching to Alice about morals is because there is always a moral to everything. no matter what you do there is always a moral. The reason that Alice thinks that pepper makes people hot is because pepper is hot and she thinks it transfers into peoples' emotion.


cardinal_stud_61 said...
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cardinal_stud_61 said...

You need to correct your spelling. Now other than that you post is good.

Mr. Neuburger said...

You are obviously attempting to stretch yourself beyond your usual effort. It is delightful to see this occur. From now on, have Grant proofread your writing. You need to correct your grammatical and spelling errors. Post a picture!