Monday, October 8, 2007

A knave is a more fancy way of saying a cards name, a Jack of Hearts or another suit of cards. All the evidence in the story is coming from people in Alice's dream world. The people gossip of stuff that she has done, and her sister was in a different dream that has no meaning to Alice. Two dreams can not be one no matter how you look at it. Alice would not die if she didn't get the cards with her hands, but the Queen would have said, "Off with her HEAD!!!" Alice tryed to get all the cards with one swing of her arms and failed. The cards turned to leafs and the world she was living in disappeared. Alice is forgetting things so fast because she is waking up, and falling back to sleep. When you are in a dream you can start fading in and out of some stuff or even change the story of your day.


Plowboys said...

You use very good points in explaining your knowledge of what a knave is. Good job and may the force be with you!

<><><><> said...

I like your views they have helped me understand this book much better.

Mr. Neuburger said...

Nice job Ryan.