Lewis Carroll was an educated and from time to time respected author, mathematician and photographer. He was born on January 27th 1832, and passed on January 14th 1898. His true name was not Lewis Carroll; this was merely a pseudonym he used in many of his books. His true name was Charles Lutwidge Dodgson. Like many of the century’s “great” authors he was born to an upper middle class family with close ties to the church. He went to many wealthy schools of the time including Oxford and Westminster and was well known to be mathematically brilliant. However after his schooling he married his cousin and disappeared for a while into obscurity. Soon though he became to grow socially anxious and hopeful to make his mark in the world in some way.
Early in his life after Oxford he became interested in a new form of art, and this is where allot of his modernly controversial trouble began. One of his most popular subjects of imagery in photography was very young girls (and as I found inadvertently but warned in a Google search) these photos were….creepy. Now as I digress from my historical point of view I am going to go into opinion. Regardless of whether the persecutions were right, false or made up I believe that the facts of which stand will never be known and cannot truly be judged. Maybe he never done anything and was wrongfully accused by a church that is often believed by historians to have been corrupt. Or maybe he was an evil screwed up psychiatrically damaged individual the facts of which can never be known or verified.
Now further on to a different and slightly less disturbing part of his life. I stated in a post at the beginning of this year that I believed him to be on opium. And to be perfectly honest I still believe this theory to be true. However though I had digressed away from this for the reasons of keeping an open mind, but I almost laughed when I saw a photograph of him and thought he looked stoned. Then realized, oh wait this is the author I had accused earlier this quarter of being drug abusing and psychologically destroyed.
According to many biography’s on Lewis he was extraordinary lazy and even though he was very brilliant, he often did not achieve nearly as much as he possibly could have. Even considering these things he was extremely successful in his achievements. He wrote several books including “The Hunting of The Snark” and “Sylvie and Bruno” however none of these came close to the fame and legendary reach of “Alice’s Adventures In Wonderland”. My personal beliefs are that Lewis’ reasoning for writing so many children’s books falls back upon his current accused horrific tendencies and his more historically proven references to a rough childhood. He has been known to refer to several “annoyances” that occurred to him as a child at night. Current historians do not, and truly cannot know exactly what these “annoyances” were. They could have possibly been references to childhood sexual abuse or they may have been evidence to something much less severe that we are currently aware of. However two things tend to come into our consideration when his past comes into question. For one if he was abused as a child it could certainly explain his fascination with the child mind in his stories, and with his accused acts with photography. However this could also be a falsely logic induced, but not historically backed source of evidence to the current strike to attempt and discredit Lewis as a non-disturbed individual innocent of the consciously wrong and disturbing crimes he was accused of. And if this is the case then the idea of his childhood of molestation, as with the accusations of his creepy photography, are possibly false. It is much easier in truth to accuse someone hundreds of years after their death than it is to defend them.
I appreciate you keeping an open mind. After reading the book in its entirety and researching the author's life, I believe you to be quite qualified to make your own inferences. I would be hard pressed to engage you in a conversation contrary to what you believe because you have so much background to support your opinion. I believe I could hold my own, but maybe another day.....
Cite your sources at the bottom of your post. No citations, no grade. Sorry man, this is academia.
thanks for the feed, and i did, i only had to but you will find that the second one is very academically in depth
Great job on this one, you really outdid yourself this time MWS!!! Great job on citing your sources. If I was the teacher in this situation I would give you an A+! Keep it up man.
You did a great job on your post. You really researched your stuff.
thanks for the feed, i returned most i think, make one bad move kal and i will end you!!!!!
I really like how you started yours post out. You must of spent some time researching all your information. I like how you worded your post to.
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