Thursday, October 4, 2007

A lobster-quadrille is a dance that the turtle did with lobsters composed of five sections and four couples. There are two lines that consist of a lobster and a person per couple. They are singing the first figure of the lobster quadrille and the first figure also means the dance that they do in a quadrille. Alice doesn’t finish her sentence because before in wonderland when she talked about eating animals she alienated whomever she was talking to.


<><><><> said...

its a good thing alice kept her mouth shut about seeing alot of lobsters at dinner that could have started a BIG fight!

Plowboys said...
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Plowboys said...

Congradulations on a job well done. You have great points on the lobster-quadrille. Keep up the good work and one day you will be raking in the $$$$$CASH$$$$$!!!!

JUNK said...

I like this picture.

Mr. Neuburger said...

I really think Alice was referring to a whiting, not a lobster. I assume you realize whiting is a fish.