Friday, October 5, 2007

A lobster quadrille is a dance. Lobsters dance like a square dance but in circles. The lobster sings the song very slowly and sadly. The Mock Turtle is crying because he doesn't know the words to the song and the song is very sad and would make anyone cry. The Mock Turtle cries every time they sing the song very slowly and sadly, it reminds the Turtle of his live how he feel dead inside. They are singing because it is a form of expression that show who you are. It also describes your personality with the lyrics. Alice has so much trouble remembering things because everything is coming at her so fast. It takes time to read the story but everything in the story is happening every minute to an hour. The reason for repeating all the words is it is a song and every song has a part that repeat over and over again. Their is very few songs I know that don't repeat a part of a song more then once.

1 comment:

Oprah changed my life ! ! ! said...

nice in depth explanation of the lobster quadrille