Thursday, October 4, 2007

The Lobster Quadrille was dance taught under the ocean where the griffin and the mock turtle went to school. In my opinion the lobster quadrille was a symbol of the way some people believe the school systems have went. It was a sign of pointless activitys some believe get taught, now in my own safety seen as how the “powers at be” read over the posts we make this is not necessarily my beliefs.

The reason Alice has such a problem remembering things also falls into the opinions some have about school systems in general. By the time she has been away from school for some while she has already forgotten the things she learned. And like I said in the last paragraph this is not necessarily how I view things but merely an interpretation I have of what the author may have thought.

Now the reason the turtle and the gryphon were fighting over something as miniscule and pointless as a dance was symbolism of the ignorant and pointless things that we as people sometimes fight over. Ignorance powers greed and the need to be right, which was obviously the case between these to, there ignorance drove them to being determined to be right.

And the reason that Alice was careful not to finish her sentence was out of her fear of offending the creatures. Her sentence was going to finish in “dinner” but she was smart enough to realize that if she said that it would greatly offend the creatures. Which as jumbled up as this alternate reality is who can say it cant turn violent under the wrong offenses.


Plowboys said...

I like how you express your opinions MWS. You have great facts about the lobster-quadrille and great supporting opinions to back it. Great Job!!!

<><><><> said...

good job i am really impressed with the overall length of your post your dedication to this book is outstanding keep up the good work.

thimjj said...

Hey i really like how you go into detail on all your anwsers. I like your anwser about what a Lobster Quadrille is.

Oprah changed my life ! ! ! said...

Totally great job on your post, i wish i could write like that. All of your opinions are so well written adn make alot of sense. Good Job!!!