Wednesday, October 3, 2007

A mock turtle is a fictional character that Lewis Carroll made up.The pictures show a mock turtle as a mix between a turtle and a cow,the mock turtle is also a form of a turtle neck shirt.Alice was holding a flamingo because she is playing croquet and she is using the flamingo for the croquet mallet. By " birds of feather flock together," i think that they are trying to say people who have the same opinion or agree with one another stay together just like birds of feather.someone would like to learn uglification so they can disfigure things or make them ugly.a gryphon is an ancient creature with a head, talons, and wings of an eagle and the body style of a lion. the gryphon comes from legendary stories.


JUNK said...

I like this picture!

Mr. Neuburger said...

This is a marked improvement compared to some of your other posts. Could you please go back and look at your punctuation, capitalization, and spacing. I realize doing this is not going to change the answer, but we are in an English class. I would be remiss if I just let you slide. The good thing about it is- if you check these things before you post from now on we will never have to go through this again. :)

Mr. Neuburger said...

If you would like, I would be happy to read your posts before you send it and we can look at fixing some stuff before it goes out on the web. what do you think?

Unknown said...

Hey brother. If ever Jiffeepop is busy, I will help you with grammar, spelling, and spacing before you post. I would love to help dude.

The post was good. To tell the truth, they get better as you go along. Rock on bro.