Monday, September 17, 2007

The title of Mr. N's latest blog is translated, "Where 'is my female cat?" The first verse of the poem on page nine may be seen as a parable about someone (the crocodile) who questions about how to make his/herself a better person. The Nile may be seen as a peace of mind brought to the toil in one's life (the golden scales) as it washes away the negativity. As for the rabbit, he is followed by Alice because she would like to talk to someone who may be able to give her the whereabouts of the strange world she has ended up in. On page seventeen the mouse told a story that was printed quite weird. A good reason for this may be to add emphasis that the mouse may have had a squeaky voice and told the story in one breath. Also, the text gets gradually smaller to show the steady loss of the one breath in which the story is being told. Finally, the Caucus race is different from normal races for the following reasons: there is no countdown to the start of the race, the contestants ran when they felt like it; the course was a not-so-well defined shape similar only somewhat to a circle, as long as it was close enough; everybody wins and gets a prize. I have never heard of such a race as this one but it sounds fun.


adre said...

what a lot of detail have u read this or are you just reading it all the time snice you have the book?

Anonymous said...

I have never read this story. I just pay attention to the details and I usually have my book with me when I post. But thank you.