Tuesday, September 18, 2007

The first verse of the poem on page 9 means that the crocodile is taking a bath, because he needs to, to shine his tail. Alice follows the rabbit because she is very curious about the rabbit because she has never seen a rabbit with a waistcoat-pocket or a watch to pull out of it. The story on page 17 that the mouse is telling is shaped in a mouse tail because he is talking about his family and him self. The Caucus-race that they are playing is different from a regular race because everybody wins and they all get prizes.


MAIL MAN said...

In the race there is also no start or finish, but the rest of it was great.

Mr. Neuburger said...

Nice job Jen. I really liked your explanation for why Alice followed the rabbit. Doesn't a caucus race sound like the best kind of race? It does to me.

Mr. Neuburger said...

Oh yeah, I like the font.