Thursday, December 20, 2007

There are a few things that i learned this semester in applied communications.not many but i did learn how to do many more things on the computer.for one thing i learned how to do a podcast,then learned how to cast a video pod cast. we also got to learn how to associate with other people over the internet.i realized the things that we learned in this class are going to be very helpful later on in the future in our careers.I truly believe that my writing has improved but only when o need it to. Otherwise i free write sloppily.I really enjoyed learning about the podcasts this semester. I know they will help me later in life but also now they are fun to put my own music on and share with people.well Mr.N..honestly it's easier for me to say what i did like than didn't like but i know we learned it all for a good reason. whatever projects you want to come up with is fun enough and especially educational enough for me dude.Peace


cardinal_stud_61 said...

well i don't really know what i'm supposed to comment on but i guess its was good

thimjj said...

I really like how you say that your writing has improved but you forgot to capitalize you letters at the beginning of your sentence.